X. O nekaterih premikih / About Some Movements

Croatia, 2020

O nekaterih premikih

na begu v kamen

so uteži v zbirki dragocenih ur obstale

čas pronica skozi drobne vrzeli


oljke zgubane gospe

gostijo spomine v črne plodove

mimo njih otrok z drvom pod roko

hiti v šolo iz kamna

dvanajst mož pije vino

plovejo na koncertnem klavirju

skozi suho dolino

med morjem in kamnom

velik srebrn teleskop

preiskuje okruške na nebu

se sreča s svetlobo

drugega pogleda?

kamen leti skozi vesolje

kot oglata misel

skozi prostrane in urejene zapiske

astronoma in svečenika

About Some Movements

on the run into stone

weights in the valuable clocks collection stopped

time is leaking through the small gaps

of cicadas

olive trees wrinkled ladies

condense memories into black fruits

a child with a firewood under his arm

rushes past them toward the school of stone

twelve men drink wine

they sail on the grand piano

through the dry valley

between the sea and the stone

a big silver telescope

is searching through the chips in the sky

does it meet a light

of another gaze?

stone is flying through the space

as an angular thought

through the vast and organised notes

of an astronomer and priest

Written, translated & photographed by Uroš Marolt.