VII. Obljuba dežja / A Promise of Rain

Senegal, 2019

Obljuba dežja

Svetloba pada skozi slamnato streho na majhno

zaplato zemlje sredi temačne hiše. Drobne rastline

se poganjajo navzgor v zavetju mreže proti komarjem.

Ko je starec umrl, so v steno vdelali nov par rogov.

Čezenj se je usul prah, pajčevina. S stropa visijo

zlati poganjki riža. Hiša ob hiši, z ljudmi, posedajočimi

na dvoriščih, in mislimi, begajočimi kot gruča kokoši,

čakajoč dež. Njihov otok se je odlomil od celine časa

in se izgubil med plavajočimi gozdovi mangrov.

Kadar prašiči v plitvinah rijejo pregloboko, se vas

nagne postrani. Ribiči se vračajo z lesketom lusk

v mrežah, a voda polzi skozi. Rezervoarji odmevajo.

Gospe se smejijo ob kozarcih palmovega vina,

ki je ostalo od neke prihodnje letine. Minister obljublja

vodovod s pitno vodo. Živali so žrtvovane, lobanje

pribite na les. Preden se svet potopi, morda  jutri,

bodo vaščani odšli po peščeni ulici do volišča,

da jim mezince obarvajo z rožnato barvo.

A Promise of Rain

A light is falling through the thatched roof on a small

patch of ground in the middle of a dim house. Tiny plants

are sprouting up in the shelter of a mosquito net.

When an old man died, they built a new pair of horns into the wall.

A dust poured over, a cobweb. From the ceiling golden

rice blades are hanging. A hut beside a hut, with people, sitting

in the yards, and thoughts, roaming as a flock of chicken,

waiting for a rain. Their island broke off from the continent of time

and got lost among the floating mangrove forests.

When the pigs root too deep in the shallows, the village

turns askew. Fishermen return with the glitter of scales

in their nets, but a water slips through. Reservoirs echo.

Ladies laugh at the glasses of palm wine remained

of some future harvest. A minister promises

plumbing and drinking water. Animals are sacrificed, skulls

nailed to the wood. Before the world sinks, maybe tomorrow,

the villagers will follow the sandy street to the polls

to get coloured their pinkies pink.

Written, translated & photographed by Uroš Marolt.