We placed our toilet in front of the bar on the beach. It was arranged like this. Our friend and host Jaione become our manager too, so we had to develop our performance. That means we were singing, jumping of the toilet, rolling toliet paper …
Stranišče sva postavila pred bar na plaži. Tak je bil dogovor. Prijateljica in gostiteljica Jaione je čez noč postala najina menedžerka, zato sva v prostem času razvijala predstavo. To pomeni: prepevala, skakala s školjke, kotalila toaletni papir …
Collecting the audience in the bar and interactions with people made a promising start, but the ending is still being developed, because we have not been satisfied with the existing versions yet. Artistic process is sometimes tense, sometimes funny, often tiring and always full of mistery.
Zbiranje občinstva v baru in interakcije z njim so poskrbeli za obetaven začetek, a konec še dodelujeva, saj z dosedanjimi verzijami nisva povsem zadovoljna. Ustvarjalni proces je zdaj napet, zdaj zabaven, pogosto utrudljiv in vedno poln ugank.
Besides this there are Laida and Laga beaches – sandy, wavy and changeful. High and low tide are constantly surprising with new formations. I felt the biggest happiness and the strongest respect for the waves when I was learning to surf. Suddenly the ground can rise to the sky and the sea wildly shakes you. Or you slide for a moment with the force of the wave and your mouth turns into a smile. Then you float again and wait in the calmness for a next wave.
Temu ob strani ležita plaži Laida in Laga: mivkasti, valoviti in spremenljivi. Plima in oseka ves čas presenečata z novimi oblikami. Veselje in spoštovanje do valov sem najgloblje občutil pri učenju surfanja. Takrat se dno lahko vzpne na nebo in te morje divje premeša. Ali pa za hip drsiš z močjo vala in se ti usta razlezejo v nasmeh. Potem spet lebdiš in čakaš v zatišju na naslednji val.
Besedilo: Uroš
Foto: Jaione, Eva in Uroš