‘Right and wrong’ Casablanca

This is not a black & white movie shot entirely in Hollywood studios. My impressions:

Wealth and poverty. Right and wrong. The mosque with the highest minaret in the world. During the prayer the faithful see the ocean. Boys are catching octopuses in the shallows behind the mosque’s wall  and surfing. French imperialism in all pores of the city. Business buildings, brand new tram, countless fences hiding construction sites. 500 slums, bidonvilles,  that are considered to be connected to terrorist attacs. Invisible suburbs? The biggest North African shopping center with the aquarium and cinema. Modern gallery with refreshing local video installations and sculptures. Political component is strongly present in the art pieces. 4 million people, honking in traffic jams, grabbing our hands to sit us down in a restaurant, cunning merchant with argan oil. While I am driving I see a tree falling down towards the cars on the road a few meters in front of us. It’s roots mouldered in the ground. A feeling that we will return to this chaos again.

To ni črnobeli film, posnet v celoti v hollywoodskih studiih. Moji vtisi:

Blišč in beda. Right and wrong. Mošeja z najvišjim minaretom na svetu. Med molitvijo verniki vidijo ocean. Fantje lovijo hobotnice v plitvinah za obzidjem mošeje, srfajo. Francoski imperializem v vseh porah mesta. Poslovne stavbe, popolnoma nov tramvaj, neštete ograje skrivajo območja v gradnji. 500 slumov, bidonvilles, ki jih povezujejo s terorističnimi napadi. Nevidna predmestja? Največji severnoafriški nakupovalni center z akvarijem in kinom. Moderna galerija s svežimi lokalnimi video instalacijami in skulpturami. Politična komponenta je v umetnosti močno navzoča. 4 milijoni ljudi, trobljenje v prometnih konicah, grabljenje za roke, da bi naju posedli v restavracijo, zviti trgovec z arganovim oljem. Med vožnjo vidim drevo, kako pade med avte nekaj metrov naprej po cesti. Korenine so sprhnele v tleh. Občutek, da se bova v ta kaos nekoč spet vrnila.








Text: Uroš

Photo: Eva & Uroš