After a month of constantly moving it was a blast to hug someone who I feel so at home with. After a week of constant rain, wild camping under a cliff and close meetings with cows we finally met in Zarautz, surfers’ paradise. Happy that brother and sister are in the Basque coast at the same moment. Only Matija was missing to complete the three leaf clover.
Kako lepo je bilo po enem mesecu premikanja in novega objeti nekoga tako domačega. Po celem tednu dežja, divjega kampiranja pod klifom in bližnjimi srečanji s kravami smo se končno srečali v Zarautzu, surferskem raju. Srečna, da sta brat in sestra ob istem času na baskovski obali. Še Matija je manjkal in bi bili cela triperesna deteljica.
Prispevek: Eva
Foto: Uroš