Caleidoscopic Alhambra – Kalejdoskopska Alhambra

While travelling into time over centuries … a moment is like a small decoration in time. In the palaces  Moorish dinasties, Chatolic kings, prisoners, restaurators and tourists stroll around in their own pace. It is easy to get lost in space or time. Gazing in the textures of the walls can cause vertigo. Close your eyes and keep the beauty inside, as it was a nice dream.

Ko potuješ skozi stoletja … je trenutek le majhen okras v času. V palačah se dinastije Mavrov, katoliški kralji, zaporniki, restavratorji in turisti sprehajajo sem in tja  vsak v svojem ritmu. Enostavno se je izgubiti v prostoru ali času. Strmenje v teksture na zidu lahko povzroči vrtoglavico. Zapri oči in znotraj zadrži lepoto, kot prijetne sanje.

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Text and photo: Uroš