Hindukush Tales

Islamabad was planned in sixties as a new capital of Pakistan on the green marsh area under Margalla hills in the centre of the country.…

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Cities within a city

Byzantium, Augusta Antonina, New Rome, Constantinople, Kostantiniyye, Stamboul, Islambol, Carigrad, Istanbul. These are a few names of the city from its history, but there are…

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Circus Cabaret

A photo voyage to the darkness of underground circus. It happened on 1st of June in club Gromka, Ljubljana. Photo: Martin Konič

Planet Zima / Planet Winter

Zajčja sled V snežni pokrajini igra vetra  spremeni zajčjo sled: odtisi,  potopljeni v sneg (štiri tačke in rep),  s svojo težo zapečatijo belo pismo,  krhke…

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Z biciklom skozi Italijo

Zavrtel sem pedala pred domačim pragom v Ljubljani in se podal v neznane pokrajine. Je sploh važno kod in kam? Naj spregovorijo fotografije in priložnostni…

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