We are saying goodbye to the known. We are waving to (more or less) organised continent, which is trying to reach us with it’s warm Iberic hand. Africa is inviting; maybe I imagine it almost idealistic. I am looking forward to the vastness of new places and meeting people, who live differently than I do. How can I get to them? Am I a person, who only passes by, or can I really stop and live as I am one of them?
Poslavljava se od znanega. V slovo mahava (bolj ali manj) urejeni celini, ki se za nama steguje s toplo ibersko dlanjo. Afrika naju vabi v svoje naročje; morda si jo predstavljam skoraj idealistično. Veselim se prostranosti novih krajev in ljudi, ki živijo drugače kot jaz. Kako naj pridem mednje? Sem nekdo, ki samo švigne mimo, ali se zares lahko ustavim in živim, kot da sem ena izmed njih?
Thaughts are dancing in my mind. It feels like I am on a big ship tossed by Mediterranean waves that come through Gibraltar strait. Uroš is jumping around with the camera, saying goodbye to Europe and hello to Africa at the same time. I sit and watch. It is the Memorial day. I am burying Europe for indefinite time. For the sake of a new start we said farewell to the toilet as well.
Misli poplesavajo sem in tja. Čuti se, da sem na veliki ladji in me premetavajo mediteranski valovi, ki prihajajo skozi Gibraltarsko ožino. Uroš skače naokrog s fotoaparatom in se poslavlja ter pozdravlja hkrati. Jaz sedim in gledam. Dan spomina na mrtve je. Za nedoločen čas pokopavam Evropo, dan prej sva se zavoljo novega začetka poslovila od straniščne školjke.
Full of expectations for the new we gaze in the same direction, into the distance.
V pričakovanju novega zreva v isto smer, v daljavo.
Text: Eva
Photo: Uroš & Eva