While travelling into time over centuries … a moment is like a small decoration in time.
Month: October 2018
Alternative forms of living – Alternativne oblike bivanja
Guadix, a Moorish town in Granada region with a vast and extraordinary cave district, named Guadh-Haux (“River of life”). It’s cave district Barrio Santiago still…
Top floor of Sierra Nevada – Zgornje nadstropje Sierre Nevade
A map is in the backpack. Tomorrow? Ok. Night in Granada awakens at midnight. Beer and sea tapas are digested slowly. In front of the…
Eternal summer – Večno poletje
Summer travelled with us towards South. Our hair is still curly and even though it’s October we still have summer in our pocket. Indian summer.
Home in Andalucia – Dom v Andaluziji
4500 km of roads and 47 days on the way brought us to our temporary home in a village Pinos Del Valle. Labyrinth of white…
Textures of the cities – Teksture mest
Oviedo, Segovia, Cordoba. Photos of these 3 cities are unveiling unusual features of North, Middle and South faces of Spain. History, architecture and religion are…